Here's yet another ReRUN contest! In our last edition (March/April 1992), we asked five questions. Congratulations to Edwin Benton of Attapulgus, Georgia, our winner. While he answered just four out the five questions correctly (see the Editorial), Mr. Benton did better than any other contestant.
Thanks to all of you for your responses. We'd like to try another five-question contest and give away another prize to a lucky winner drawn at random. The latest prize will consist of a Super Snapshot utility cartridge and one of the many premier software packages sold by RUN.
Five New Questions
We are presenting the five new questions for this edition below. To send us your answers, use the word processing feature of the "Send Us a Letter" section. Just type in the number of the question, followed by the answer. When you press Control/P, you'll be prompted to enter your name and address.
After answering the prompts, your letter will be output on your printer, complete with both your address and our address. Fold it into thirds, put a stamp on it and drop it in the mail. Of course, you can always print this page and circle the answers.
Here are the five questions:
1. Which telecommunications network is devoted to Commodore 8-bit computers?
a. QuantumLink
b. GEnie
c. CompuServe
d. BIX
2. Name the famous Navy officer credited with sharing her vast knowledge of computers with two generations of students.
a. Anna Johnson
b. Grace Hopper
c. Barbara Bush
d. Ginny Simmons
3. Which of the following computers was introduced by Commodore in 1985?
a. Commodore VIC-20
b. Commodore Amiga 1000
c. Commodore Plus/4
d. Commodore Amigo 1000
4. The word "baud", as used in telecommunications, is a acronym for which of the following terms?
a. Bytes per second
b. Bits per second
c. Band per second
d. Bytes are undeveloped
5. Who has served as the Editor-In-Cheif of RUN magazine since its inception?
a. Don Rickles
b. Dennis Brisson
c. Herman Pottersdam
d. Sal Calverton
We'll publish the winner in our next edition of ReRUN. Remember--if you don't have access to a printer, feel free to jot your answers down on a piece of paper and mail it in.